1946 Snow White Sneezy Figurine by Shaw Pottery - ID: shaw00081sneez

1946 Snow White Sneezy Figurine by Shaw Pottery - ID: shaw00081sneez Disneyana




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Price: $200.00
SKU: shaw00081sneez

A ceramic figurine inspired by the Disney Studios animated classic "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" (1937). Featuring Sneezy holding back a nasal eruption, the figurine was produced by the Evan K. Shaw company in 1946. Through the 1940s and 1950s, the Evan K. Shaw Pottery company and its sister companies, Metlox and American Pottery, produced a wide range of ceramics. In 1943, they acquired the license to produce a range of Disney ceramics. These companies are no longer in business, and their highly desirable figurines are increasingly rare. Measuring 3.5”x3” and 5.5” tall, the figurine is in very good condition with crazing throughout.

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